About PurePasta

1What are the ingredients of PurePasta?
Water, Glucomannan(konjac root),Calcium Hydroxide
2What does PurePasta taste like?
The products are relatively without taste. Since it is almost tasteless it is best suitable in a mix with other dishes instead of as a standalone product.
Check our recipes page for some inspiration.
3How do you rinse the pasta/rice?
4What is PurePasta
PurePasta is a pasta alternative product that is made from konjac root/Glucomannan. Konjac Root is a plant that is free from Gluten, with 0 carbohydrates and is low in calories. PurePasta works really well as a substitute for "normal“ pasta and rice. Konjac root/Glucomannan contributes to weight loss (EFSA, Art.13(1)).
5Where does PurePasta product come from?
The PurePasta products are grown and manufactured in Asia, in Guangdong province in China specially for PurePasta Sweden.
6What is Konjac root?

Konjac root is a root of a tree that grows in Asia. It is traditionally used in Chinese and Japanese cuisine. The konjac flour (also known as Glucomannan) is natural source of fibre and is low in calories, free of carbohydrates and glutenfree. It is popular in various diets like:
- Low Carb diet
- Keto diet
- Atkins diet
- Plaeo diet
- Vegan diet

Konjac root contributes to the maintenance of normal blood cholesterol levels and can contributes to reduction of weight loss.
Warning of choking: People with swallowing difficulties or when ingesting with inadequate fluid intake are advised on taking with plenty of water.
7What is the different between the products?
There is no difference in taste. The difference is only in the texture. PureRice looks more like "normal rice“. PureSpaghetti is thinner than the noodles, so it is softer. PureFettuchini is flat and lookes like "normal fettuchini“.
8How many servings does a package contain?
One pack contains 200 grams and can be used in two medium portions or one really large one. Be aware that PurePasta has a high fiber content which gives a good feeling of saturation. We recommend that you downsize your portions by ½ when you start adding our products to your meal. Too large of a portion can cause an excessive feeling of saturation.
9How should the product be stored?
Unopened packaging can be stored at room temperature. Opened package can be stored in a closed package for up to 3 days in a refrigerator.
10How long is the shelf life time?
Usually the shelf life time is up to one year. The shelf life time you can see on the back of the package.
11Is PurePasta suitable for Vegans?
Yes, the product is 100% plant based and therefore vegan.
12Do the PurePasta products contribute to weight loss?
Yes, konjac root/Glucomannan contributes to maintenance of normal blood cholesterol levels, and in the contest of an energy restricted diet contributes to weight loss. (EFSA A13(1).)
13Can I freeze PurePasta?
No it is not recommended to freeze cooked dishes that include PurePasta.
14Why is there water in the bag?
The finished product is in a water bath, because if you have it dry we would have to add starch, thus the product would no longer be carbohydrate free.
15Should it smell so strange when you open the package?
Yes, the reason for this smell is the liquid in which the pasta/rice lies. It is important to rinse the PurePasta products in cold water before cooking them.
16Where can I buy PurePasta?
You can buy PurePasta products online at purepasta.se or at Amazon in these countries:
Click here to buy this product in Sweden 
Click here to buy this product in Denmark 
Click here to buy this product in Finland 
Click here to buy this product in Spain 
Click here to buy this product in Italy
Click here to buy this product in the UK
Click here to buy this product in France




PurePasta est fait du superaliment KONJAC d’origine asiatique. Elle est fait de la racine konjac comestible. Pour fabriquer ce produit, une farine sans gluten est préparée et ensuite, cette farine est transformée de la façon requise. Le grand avantage est le glucomannane, une fibre diététique soluble et fermentable en eau.

? Le konjac aide à contrôler le taux de sucre dans le sang et peut réduire le cholestérol et améliorer le métabolisme. Pour sa teneur en fibres, il aide à promouvoir les mouvements intestinaux et à maintenir un côlon sain. Grâce à sa substance fibreuse, il est possible de satisfaire notre appétit rapidement. Le konjac est idéal pour le déjeuner ou ledîner puisqu’il est faible en calories mais nous donne une sensation de satiété. Il permet de maintenir un niveau d’énergie constant et de ne pas avoir sommeil ou faim vite.


– VÉGÉTALIENS – Le konjak contient seulement des fibres alimentaires, de l’eau et de l’hydroxyde de calcium. Il est donc un produit sans gluten et 100% naturel à base de plantes

– DIABÉTIQUES – ce produit ne contient ni sucre ni graisses et contribue à maintenir le niveau de glucose stable

– DUKAN – Pendant la phase d’attaque du régime Dukan, il faut des aliments sans glucides. Dans cette phase, il est possible de manger de la pâte konjac qui apporte aussi des fibres alimentaires au corps

– PALEO – Ce régime se concentre sur des produits disponibles avant la révolution néolithique – la pâte konjac est faite de racine 100% naturelle. Il est ainsi possible d’en manger dans ce régime

– ATKINS – Ce régime est fondé sur des produits faibles en glucides – PurePasta est idéal pour ce régime

– MALADIE CŒLIAQUE – Lorsqu’il n’est pas possible de manger des produits à base de blé, il est difficile de trouver des alternatives. PurePasta n’a pas de goût spécifique. C’est pourquoi il peut être mangé fréquemment en toute sécurité